FCM Push engine

less than 1 minute read

Server for FCM Admin

I am Node.js novice. But anyway it works!

Send messages via Admin FCM API!

This Application get messages from MS SQL DB, and send to individual devices.

Github Repository


This app is using

  1. Node.js v8.12.0
  2. Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  3. Javascript library
    1. Admin FCM API v6.0.0
    2. mssql v4.2.1
    3. winston v3.1.0
    4. eslint v5.6.0
    5. pm2 v3.2.2

To run this app

  1. Set DB config on config/dbConfig.json
  2. Set FCM service account key on config/fcmServiceAccountKey.json
  3. Set FCM database URL on config/fcmConfig.json
  4. Write codes for get datas on service/db.js getPushList function
  5. Write codes for send push to devices on service/fcm.js sendMsgList funciton
  6. Write codes for push feedback on service/db.js pushFeedback function

Project setup

npm install -g pm2
pm2 install pm2-logrotate
npm install


npm start

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


Changes and improvements are more than welcome! Feel free to fork and open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License

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